Imlie 19th August 2023 Written Update: Imlie worries for Anu

Imlie 19th August 2023 Written Update: In today’s episode, Devika tells Rudra that Sheikh is a good person. He didn’t want to destroy the temple in their house. She thinks of Arto and gives him a call. Sheikh tells Anu a joke while she is on the phone and makes her laugh. When Arto sees Devika’s ring, Imlie also sees it and drops tea on purpose.

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Anu gets angry and thinks it’s a plot against Sheikh. She asks Kia and Akash to wash the hands of Sheikh. Arto asks if they are employees, but they tell him they are relatives. But they don’t feel loved or think they got their fair share of the family business. So, now they are back, Anu. Arto sees what they are.

Imlie 19th August 2023 Written Update

Sheikh finds out from Anu that she is ready to sell the house for 20 crores. She wants the Rana family to move out of the house. Imlie is worried, and she says that her baby can tell. Arto can talk down the price to 12 crores. Anu accepts but then says she can’t sign the papers at night because of her religion. She’ll do it tomorrow.

Ilie is afraid. Arto knows Anu will catch him, but he tries to make her feel better by giving her sweets. This is what Kia sees and tells Anu. Anu goes to check and finds Arto there. Arto says he will do anything to see his family. Anu is angry with Kia because she thinks Sheikh is Arto. Kia says she did nothing wrong, and Imlie asks why she took sweets from Sheikh.

They all go to Sheikh’s room to see if he is there. Arto remembers how he used a fake to trick them. Anu scolds Kia and Akash. Arto’s arrival makes the Rana family happy. Anu has a different plan, though. She gets some bad guys to come in and grab Arto. They show the family knives to scare them. Anu says she will hold on to Arto until she signs the papers. Imlie is worried about what will happen next.

Imlie 19th August 2023 Written Update

What’s the next step? When Imlie hurts herself, she screams in pain. Arto tries to help, but he ends up hurting himself.

Hello, friends, my name is Arindam Das I am a blogger. I graduated from Calcutta University with (H). I started blogging in 2014 I love blogging very much and now it's my profession. I live in West Bengal, Kolkata.

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